The Emotion Efficacy Scale (EES2) assesses the degree to which people can respond to a full range of emotions in a contextually-sensitive, values-consistent manner.
The original version of the scale was first published in Emotion Efficacy Therapy (McKay & West, 2016). It has since been revised and validated in English, Farsi and Turkish. (See references below).
Professionals can use the scale in conjunction with administering the Emotion Efficacy Therapy protocol in a group or individual format, or as an adjunct to increasing emotional intelligence, psychological flexibility, and resilience in clinical or coaching work.
This scale has been validated for adults ages 18 and older.
Aprilia West, PsyD, MT, PCC
Scoring/ Interpretation
10 items total
Items 3-8 are reverse scored
Score can range from 10-50
Items are summed; a higher score indicates higher emotion efficacy
Percentile Rankings
Based on a validation study (n=24) with a clinical population:
Total score >19: 25th percentile
Total score >25: 50th percentile
Total score >31: 75th percentile
Total score >37: 90th percentile
No permission is needed to use this scale. If you are using this scale in conjunction with research, please notify
Download the EES2 for more info and for scoring instructions.
Bozkurt, F., Uzun, R. B., & West, A. (2024). Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Version of the Emotion Efficacy Scale – 2 in a Sample of Turkish Emerging Adults. Emerging Adulthood, 0(0).
Foroughi, A. A., Parvizifard, A., Sadeghi, K., & Moghadam, A. P. (2021). Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Trends in psychiatry and psychotherapy, 43(2), 101–107.
Shannon, M. 2018. Measuring Emotion Regulation, Psychological Flexibility and Valued Living through the Emotion Efficacy Scale: A Validation Study. The Wright Institute, Berkeley California.